“Support visions, use resources, develop solutions, give meaning, never lose your sense of humour: That is systemic coaching for us.”
Inse Böhmig
- Systemic Business Coach according to SG (500h)
- Political and Islamic Studies (M.A.), focus of studies: International Relations, Development Cooperation, Migration
- Further training: Online counselling, digital event design, moderation of group processes, stakeholder engagement, team development, diversity mainstreaming, quality management, etc.
- Member of Systemische Gesellschaft e.V. (SG)
- Coaching, individual and group counselling for international target groups from science and non-profit sector (online and face-to-face)
- Career coaching for academics in situations of change
- Facilitation of workshops, conferences and events (digital and F2F)
- Science management and project lead
- Strategy development and change management
Employers & References
- Humboldt University of Berlin
- University of Bonn
- German Academic Exchange Service
- Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst (Civil Peace Services Forum)
- Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research
- Deutsche Welle Broadcasting
- North-South Centre of the Council of Europe
- …
International assignments & working languages
- Countries: Italy, Kenya, Portugal, Jordan, Syria, Great Britain
- Working languages: English, German